Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Things you can't say in the media

The nationally syndicated radio personality Don Imus was quoted :"That's some nappy headed hos there, I'm going to tell you that," on his radio show in a conversation with game producer Ron McGuirk. A racist and sexist comment made about a Rutgers University women’s basketball team, who one week ago today was playing for a National Championship against Pat Summit’s Tennessee Volunteers and lost.

We all learned in grade school the principle of: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Apparently Imus was absent with the flu bug on the day they gave that seminar. Understandably, a talk show host who doesn’t choose sides with some passion and perseverance will never last on public radio. On the other hand, there are some rules, a code if you will, that says you can’t touch the race card with a moronic sense of reality........No really, you can talk about a race all you want: Al Sharpton runs a successful radio show revolved utterly around the race card and Howard Stern touches the issue with the utmost care because he already has the FCC crawling up his ass everyday for his swearing and other antics, bottom line is this: don’t put a negative spin on it EVER!!

Don Imus will begin his two week suspension from his syndicated radio show and combo show with MSNBC today after receiving his punishment. Lets hope he doesn’t succumb to the two symptoms of hysteria, perspective and proportion. What he did was wrong, I am not arguing that point, but he might have been able to get his point across some other way.....like not calling them Nappy Headed Hoes!!! The emotionally hurt girls on the Rutgers basketball team, whose light from the 2nd place finish in Women’s March Madness will be turned to this issue, didn’t play soft basketball, they played hard and tough basketball. Majority wore braided hair during the games, some had tattoos; accompanied with body language and other antics this could lead someone to believe that they could have come from a hard background from the inner city, and because of that, they looked to have more self-confidence and may have come off as tough. Imus may have thought that the “toughness” they put-off should make them another stereotype of an inner city dweller. I think he was trying to make a point on his show about how they team carried themselves, BUT, he was a moron on the way he did it, and Shame On Him for that. He could have got his point across another way, and not have had to forfeit two weeks of work...........and some seriously bad pub.