Monday, February 26, 2007

helmets off to the NFL

Sometimes people surprise you, today it came out that over the weekend members of the NFL players union meet and discussed the possibility of a three strikes and your out rule with regards to personal conduct. Yes pacman they were talking about people like you, guys who embarrass themselves on a regular basis. When you go to strip clubs throw around $81,000 dollars cash, and then get pissed when the strippers touch pacman's money you embarrass others in the league. Every time Chris Henry got arrested, i would give a number but i lost count sometime last season, others in the league gets a black eye. When lights out Merriam cheats to win players are wondering should i cheat? There are problems in the NFL, but when there are problems in the NFL the players take the appropriate steps to remedy the problem. Unlike the baseball players union who needs Congressional hearings to realize that they have a performance enhancing drug problem. The NFL players didn't need John McCain embarrassing their commissioner to say to each other, these guys are making me look bad, maybe we should do something. It is a pleasant surprise when athletes say to their peers, hey the shit you are doing doesn't fly here, change your lifestyle or get out.
Way to go players it is nice to know that some members of the pro sports world actually care about the behavior of others.

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