Monday, February 19, 2007

Today is Actually Oval Office Day

In the town of Messina, Ol' Willy Shakespeare dictates a beautiful story that was scorned by deceitful wrongdoings. As Much Ado About Nothing tragically ends, as it always seems to do with Willy, the surviving Don John is punished for his actions, and irony serves purpose as the main charecter Hero actually dies. So too should the people who only honor a certain few on this great day have tragedy struck upon them.

I propose today to be renamed "Oval Office Day".......not very catchy I know.

Moving ON

Today is Presidents Day, and some Americans decided to only honor two Presidents: Washington and Lincoln. There is no contest that those two honorable men deserve all of the recognition that people throw their way. On the other hand, what about the other forty-two???
Harry Truman served as Commander in Cheif along with a half dozen others that never attended college, not to mention an advanced education like medical school or the obvious law school. FDR's first hundred days is still talked about for a reason.....oh yeah.....He accomplished some serious shit! "W" got pretty close to getting the estate tax removed........ no joke hear. Thats just to name a few of the men who got to sit in the chair, shake the hands, and take the pictures.

In all fairness, every brave person that served in the "Oval Office" should be honored, whether head honcho OR smart secretary. You try running a Friggin SUPER POWER by yourself. I understand we have things that would make Julius Ceaser proud like the House, Senate, and so forth, BUT, without the Presidents staff in the West Wing: Cheif of Staff, Deputy Cheif of Staff, Press Secretaries, Communications Directors, Assistants upon Assistants upon Assistants(Yes, they all get a capital letter like the President), the poor man would be a sitting duck. So I propose to honor all Presidents and Staff even if their birthday isn't the third Monday in February. "Oval Office Day" will still honor all bank holiday's, gov't holiday's, and absurd reasons for CEOs to hit the pheasent fields one more time.....Just so you know, if you are ever hunting with Cheney, you want him on your RIGHT side!

To finish accordingly: the people who decided today that they would only honor Washington and Lincoln should have their friends turn on them, fall into a devastating love triangle, and be murdered by fectless thugs in a passionite iambic pentameter. That is what Ol' Willy would have wanted.

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